VES India launches officially with a vision to expand and develop Indian VFX industry
VES India launches officially with a vision to expand and develop Indian VFX industry
Several years of persuasion and hard work paid off. The Visual Effects Society (VES) is finally in India and it is here to stay.
VES India’s formation was announced on 16 December 2017 at RedChillies VFX studio in Mumbai, where an inaugural party was hosted to felicitate the board members and welcome the other members from India.
The Visual Effects Society is a global professional honorary society and the entertainment industry’s only organisation representing the full breadth of visual effects practitioners including artists, technologists, model makers, educators, studio executives, supervisors, PR/marketing specialists and producers. Its 3,400 members from more than 35 countries worldwide contribute to all areas of entertainment – film, television, commercials, animation, special venue, games and new media.

The newly formed VES India currently comprises of 57 members across multiple verticals with members belonging to various states in India.
A showreel of VES’ accomplishments was shown along with the outstanding works of artists that was recognised by the Society. This was followed by VES India’s members discussing the aim and vision of the community.
The below listed members will take charge for the first ever VES India section:
Anish Mulani: chairman (Prana Studios head, Mumbai)
“VES India is a good platform to come together, share experiences and accomplishments. We plan to personally get in touch with several artists within the industry to help it grow. We are also looking forward to hosting our own award shows.”
Keitan Yadav: co-chairman (RedChillies VFX co-founder and COO, Mumbai)
“I am delighted that VES India chapter has finally been launched. I see it help escalate our talent, provide a platform for our artists and technicians. VES India will help set the path ahead by bringing everyone together and build community where we all can benefit.”
Devrishi Chatterjee: secretary (MPC lead compositor, Banglore)
“We are definitely expanding and need support from all the existing VFX artists.”
Abhishek Krishnan: treasurer (AMD India graphics PR manager)
“I see VES India scaling new heights with the best of the domain experts leading the way. We are confident of spreading awareness about the huge talent pool India has, not just in India but internationally as well.”

Here is a list of the board managers who will help the elected representative’s perform their day to day activities in expanding VES India:
Bejoy Arputharaj: member of the board (PhantomFX VFX supervisor and MD, Chennai)
Suresh Kondareddy: member of the board and part of the global board of directors (Digikore Studios VFX supervisor and creative head,Pune)
Neil Sadwelkar: member of the board (Digital Dada director, Mumbai)
Sachin Shreshta: member of the board (Prana Studios production technology supervisor, Mumbai)
Mohinder Subramaniam: member of the board (VFX supervisor)
Madhu Sudhanan: member of the board (senior VFX supervisor)

The efforts and guidance of Tim McGovern – Academy Award-winning VFX supervisor and founding & current chair of the VES Committee for Outreach to Developing Regions – played a major role in the establishment of VES India.
And this is just the beginning…
via VES India launches officially with a vision to expand and develop Indian VFX industry