‘Tutorial Series 1’ The Pixel Farm Starter Tutorial Outline

Introduction to PFTrack
In this course we will take our first steps in PFTrack and we’ll see how to start a new project, how to work with the tree node view, the various needed nodes and how to export to Maya. In Maya we will go through the set fitting process and we will also quickly explore the new features of PFtrack 2017. This course is good not only for beginners but also to those matchmoving artists that want to brush up their skills.
Setting up the project and importing the footage.
In this first video we will explore quickly some of the new features in PFtrack 2017. We will also see how to set our first PFtrack project and we’ll see how to use the “Estimate Focal” Node. Play the preview video
The auto tracking and manual tracking tools.
Now we can go ahead and start tracking our footage. We will explore the “Auto track” and “user track” nodes. We will see how to set both of them correctly. Play the preview video
The camera solver.
In this video we will take the 2D info and solve the camera. We will also se how to work with the “orient scene” node. Play the preview video
Test objects and exporting.
After fine tuning the auto trackers we will now use manual trackers that will help us covering areas that the auto tracks didn’t cover. Play the preview video
Maya Setup.
In this video we will see how to setup the Maya file correctly with the proper undistorted footage. Play the preview video
The sett fitting.
In this last video we will see how to use simple geometry in order to determine the proper perspective within Maya’s 3D space. Play the preview video