‘Tutorial Series 1’
The Pixel Farm Plus Tutorial Outline

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Photogrammetry tools in PFTrack 2017
In this advanced course we will explore the photogrammetry tools that PFTrack has to offer. We will see how to generate a point cloud out of a bunch of stills, we will also generate depth maps and a mesh based on said point cloud. We will also see how to incorporate the set stills into a matched scene and how to export everything into Maya. We will work with the Photo Survey, Photo Mesh and Scene solver nodes.
The “Image Input” node.
In this video we will see how to set the project and how to work with the “Image Input” node in PFTrack. Play the preview video
The “Photo Survey” node.
Now we can take the fed images and use the “Photo Survey” Node in order to create a 3D point cloud within PFTrack 3D space. Play the preview video
The “Photo Mesh” node.
Based on the results from the two previous nodes, we can now use the photo mesh node in order to create depth maps and a mesh that is based the previous results. Play the preview video
Matching the footage.
We will now the match the came along the with the course’s material. Since this is a simple nodal pan shot it’ll be easy and a quick process. Play the preview video
The “Scene Solver” node.
Now we will see how to work with the scene solver node. The scene solver node will combine the photos with the provided footage. Play the preview video
The “Exported Maya” scene.
We will now work in Maya and see how to combine the tracked footage with the exported Mesh. Play the preview video