Your FREE The Pixel Farm PFTrack Tutorial
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To see if you like our style of teaching, we have created a FREE The Pixel Farm PFTrack tutorial for you.
The Pixel Farm manufactures and markets innovative image-processing technologies that meet the demands of professionals working in the motion picture, broadcast TV and interactive entertainment industries.
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Many thanks,
Michael Raphaelovich
Your VFX Tutor for today

The Pixel Farm PFTrack | 3D Tracking Reinvented
Building on a rock-solid camera tracking and image analysis engine, PFTrack adds exclusive technologies that stretch far beyond the capabilities of other conventional matchmoving software, empowering visual artists to recreate entire scenes within an accurate world space defined by camera metrics.
Every VFX pipeline will benefit from data that only PFTrack can deliver, meaning creative possibilities are limitless, and accessible within a single working environment that inspires imagination.
The Pixel Farm PFTrack Tutorial Overview:
In The Pixel Farm PFTrack course you will learn how to treat a moving object. The shot itself depicts a locked camera and the only thing that moves is the object itself. We will use PFTrack in order to estimate the focal length, track the moving object, solve the camera and then translate the camera’s animation into the point cloud. We will use the make-object node and we will finish the course by exporting the PFTrack workflow into Maya and then it’s the set fitting process.
Video # 1: Setting up the project.
In this video we will see how to set up the proper PFTrack project as well as setting the footage properties within PFTrack. Play the preview video
Video # 2: The edit camera and focal length nodes.
Now it's time to start setting up the tree node. We will start two different tree nodes that will give us to different result, but we will start off with the “Edit Camera” and “Focal Length” nodes. Play the preview video
Video # 3: Laying manual 2D trackers.
In this video we will see how to work with the “User Track” node. We will see how to use the export feature in that node. Play the preview video
Video # 4: Solving the camera.
Once the 2D tracking process is done, we can now solve the camera. Play the preview video
Video # 5: The make object node.
In this video we will go over the “Make Object” node and we will see how to translate the camera’s animation into a moving object. Play the preview video
Video # 6: Exporting to Maya.
Now we can take the results and export them t Maya. In Maya we will use open the exported scene and we will also set it correctly. Play the preview video
Video # 7: Set fitting in Maya.
In this last video for this course we will take our exported scene and set fit it in Maya. We will see how to check the different results we got from PFTrack. Play the preview video