VFXTutored Tutorials Plus Level Introduction

This is the level in which you’ll be introduced to more advanced techniques, complex pipelines and knowledge that will give you the advantage over the others. This level is for those that have many hours of experience with the software of your choice. It’s in this level that you’ll find work techniques and VFX pipeline secrets that will help you with your daily tasks. This is also the level in which you’ll find answers to advanced issues and it’ll help you advance and go up the ladder at your company. Once you complete the plus level you’ll excel at your tasks and work. You’ll be at a point in which you’ll also be able to help your co-worker with questions they might have with their daily tasks.

Show Me The Plus Courses

VFXTutored Plus Level

What is consistent from one shop's pipeline to another is the attempt to break down the workflow into logical and functional chunks.


  • Advanced Learning
  • More Features
  • More Tools


When almost each project is different, it creates the need to always be updating your pipeline in some way. Remember, almost nobody's pipeline is a static thing.


  • More Hands On
  • More Technical
  • More Learning



A well run project is a successful one for everyone involved.


  • Organize the workflow
  • Source materials
  • Tracking
Click Below To Start Your Fusion 9 Tutorials.

Choose Your Fusion 9 Plus Level Tutorials:

Whether you need to pull a key, track objects, retouch images, animate titles, or create amazing particle effects, Fusion has a massive toolset that lets you tackle the most demanding jobs. You get a true 3D workspace along with tools for compositing, keying, painting, animation, virtual reality, stereoscopic 3D and more. Fusion combines effects and motion graphics, along with 3D modeling and rendering into a single toolset. That means you can import and render 3D models and scenes with the rest of your composite in Fusion. You don’t have to pre‑render assets or transfer between multiple applications!

Tutorial Series 1

Chroma Keying in Fusion 9

This course is about understanding how an Alpha Channel works and how we can build it in Fusion 9. In this first lesson you will learn how an Alpha channel works and how to start the project within Fusion 9.


Tutorial Series 2

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

Click Below To Start Your PFTrack Tutorials.

Choose Your PFTrack Plus Level Tutorials:

Tracking professionals throughout the VFX industry regard PFTrack as the most innovative product of its kind. With unparalleled flexibility, functionality and precision, it is the go to matchmoving and layout software for a reason: It does what the competition can’t. Please choose the Tutorial that you are interested in.

Tutorial Series 1

Photogrammetry tools in PFTrack 2017

In this advanced course we will explore the photogrammetry tools that PFTrack has to offer. We will see how to generate a point cloud out of a bunch of stills, we will also generate depth maps and a mesh based on said point cloud. We will also see how to incorporate the set stills into a matched scene and how to export everything into Maya. We will work with the Photo Survey, Photo Mesh and Scene solver nodes.


Tutorial Series 2

Advanced Camera Solving in PFTrack 2017

In this course we will see how to work with a complex shot that involves not only a hand-held shot, but also a crash zoom in the middle of the shot. We will see how to use PFTrack and how to set the Camera Solve node properly.