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Justice League VFX Reel Confirms Darker Finale Before Reshoots

Justice League VFX Reel Confirms Darker Finale Before Reshoots

It had been rumored that Zack Snyder had planned a far darker final battle for the climax of Justice League than the one that made it into the theatrical release of the movie following reshoots managed by Avengers director Joss Whedon. These rumors seem to have been confirmed by the recent release of two VFX reels from Blind LTD, who did visual effects work on the film. Rumors of the existence of a “Snyder cut” of Justice League have persisted for several months, with the demand for a special edition of the movie growing as more and more evidence revealed how drastically the reshoots altered the tone and story of Snyder’s original vision. Photos have surfaced revealing several scenes that were

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via Justice League VFX Reel Confirms Darker Finale Before Reshoots