‘Tutorial Series 1’
Regular Tutorial Outline

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Matchmoving in Fusion Studio 9
The Camera Tracker Node
This course is all about camera tracking in Fusion 9. In this first lesson you will see the camera tracker node, see how to import the footage and see how to set the preview tracking locations within Fusion 9.
The Auto Tracking Process
Now it’s time to work the auto tracking process in Fusion 9. You will be able to prepare the scene to the next step which is the camera solve. Knowing how to set up the trackers properly and how to work with the proper tracking channel, tracker pattern sizes and even how to change the trackers color for better visibility.
Working on the Camera Parameters
In this lesson we will work on the camera parameters to make sure that the camera solution will be the most accurate one. It is imperative to know which parameters needs to be changed, otherwise the camera solution may not be the correct one.
Solving the Camera and cleaning the solve
In this 4th lesson, we will see how to run the solve and how to make sure that the solve error factor will be less than 1 pixel. Remember that the pixel error factor should always be less then 1 and it will indicate that the camera solved properly. We also going to see how to set the solve weight to each tracker and how to get rid of problematic trackers.
Exporting the Solved Camera
Now it’s time for you to see how to export our matchmoved scene and what happens to the flow chart when we do. We will see what new nodes were created and we will take a quick look at Fusion 9’s 3D space.
The Planar Tracking Node
Now we will add the flame element that is also part of the course materials. This time we will have to re-adjust the wick’s shape because we need it to fit to the flame element. We will also use another Color Curves node in order to help the flame element blend better in this Fusion Studio 9 composition.