8 Scenes From Iconic Movies Before And After Adding Visual Effects

8 Scenes From Iconic Movies Before And After Adding Visual Effects • MetDaan

Special effects are common in the film industry nowadays. They are added in post-production to achieve scenes and effects that would be otherwise impossible to do just on set. And while these days the skill of the engineers behind the visual effects in modern movies along with the advancement of technology makes it look like no special effects have been used at all, you’d be surprised what these movies looked like raw, without any kind of visual effects added in.

1. Mad Max: Fury Road

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If anything, these two shots show how little special effects were actually used. All the cars in this movie are 100% real and they do work.

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2. Deadly Honeymoon

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3. Iron Man

Iron-Man yMWdJ3

We still wish that Tony Stark’s amazing tech was available for civilians nowadays.

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4. Game of Thrones

Game-of-Thrones jeKIGl

Just goes to show how many visual effects are used in this amazing TV series.

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Petting a green screen.

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Some incredible color correction and weather effects here.

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6. X-Men: Days of Future Past

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The fidelity and detail of these visuals are so high, you’d think that real flames came out of this character’s body.

8. Into the Woods

Into-the-Woods g7Ah6j

That’s a huge difference right there.

31-1 PQp0jX

Your favorite movies are probably ruined after seeing these pictures, but at least now you know how all those incredible special effects are achieved.

Source: © Kennedy Miller Productions

via 8 Scenes From Iconic Movies Before And After Adding Visual Effects